Neil Diamond on embarrassing Glastonbury moments and why he’s happy doing the housework
Neil Diamond’s gravelly tones have sold millions of records worldwide, providing him with homes in Los Angeles, New York and Colorado.
The 68-year-old has been married twice, has four children, and his 1995, £75 million divorce from his wife, Marcia Murphey, is in the top ten of costliest settlements.
What is your earliest memory?
Walking along a railroad track in Cheyenne, Wyoming with my parents. My dad was in the army, and about to be sent to fight in World War II. They were both very scared.
I remember picking up on their nerves. I was only three, but I’ve kept that memory with me ever since, so I think their emotions must have been pretty raw.
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
The worst thing that could possibly happen to any musician on stage is that the sound goes out, which is exactly what happened when I played at Glastonbury last year.
Of course, it always works itself out, because somebody realises that a switch has to be turned back on, but it’s the most helpless feeling in the world. I just carried on playing with the band, but we were the only ones who could hear the music.
The silence seemed to last for about two years, but I think it was only a few minutes.
Well, it really is a case of who would have me! I have sometimes wondered if there was anything else I could have done but, frankly, I would have been useless at most things.
Mechanically, I’m an idiot, technology is all beyond me… there’s really nothing I can do. Apart from cleaning – I do clean up my home pretty well. I can put dirty plates in the sink, but I don’t like washing up.
I worked as a waiter when I was at school and I wouldn’t want to do that as a living now, not at my age, but I would if I had to feed my kids – I’d do any job.
I’d say, ‘Hang on to your hat kid, it will be one hell of a ride!’
Actually, I was a nice, quiet teenager, and I didn’t ever get into trouble. I just took my time trying to find my own pace in life, to see what I wanted to do. I discovered music by the age of 15, and that gave me the focus I needed. When I was 17, I wrote my first song, for my girlfriend – and I never looked back.
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